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Health Advice

Looking for advice or information on some aspect of your health? Browse the topics below to get started.

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Immunization Learn More

Vaccinations are important because they make your body stronger and more resistant to disease, and they help to protect everyone else around you. The vaccines used in Canada are safe and effective.

Cold & Flu Learn More

Learn more about how infections are diagnosed, treated, and how to self-manage symptoms!

Minor Injury Learn More

Cuts, burns, sprains, and strains are common minor injuries that you may experience. Find information about these injuries, how to treat them, and how to know when you need to go see a doctor.

Mental Health & Mental Illness Explore this topic

Find information on topics such as getting help, common concerns, and how to support someone close to you.

Sexual Violence Explore this topic

Find information on consent and support resources for survivors and allies.

Substance Use Explore this topic

Learn about safe usage practices around alcohol, cannabis, tobacco & opioids.

Mindfulness & Relaxation Explore this topic

Learn about the benefits of mindfulness and explore resources that let you try it out for yourself.

Sexual Health Explore this topic

Find information on sex positivity, sexual health plans, and sexual health resources.

Addictions Explore this topic

Are you or a loved one suffering from problematic substance use? Learn how to recognize and act on addiction.

Stress Management Explore this topic

Regardless of the source of your stress, learning how to manage it can improve your productivity and quality of life.

Self-Care & Relationships Explore this topic

Friends, housemates, dating. Life is all about the people we have in our lives and our interactions with them.

Life Events Explore this topic

Tips on dealing with things such as losing a loved one, transitioning to university, and experiencing failure.

Physical Activity Explore this topic

Did you know that physical activity is also important for your mental wellbeing and can boost academic performance? Learn more about why activity is important and how to incorporate it into your day.

Food & Nutrition Explore this topic

Eating a balanced diet is important for your overall health, but can be challenging when you’re pressed for time or money. Check out our resources on healthy eating for students!

Sleep Explore this topic

Sleep plays an integral role in your mental well-being. Although not always at the top of our priority list, it’s important to understand the role sleep plays in your day-to-day health.

Cycling Explore this topic

Biking as a form of transportation is a great way to be active, get outdoors, support the environment and contribute to your mental and physical well-being.