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Wellness @ Mac

Wellness@Mac is our digital blog that features articles on a variety of health topics relevant to students.

News Listing

Banner reads,

The Benefits of Winter Cycling

Physical Activity, Physical Health

A person walking down a snowy road.

Community Care and COVID-19

Life Events, Mental Health & Mental Illness

Bottle of alcohol sitting in an ice bath.

How has alcohol consumption changed during COVID-19?

Alcohol, Cannabis, & Substances, Mental Health & Mental Illness, Physical Health

A fully stocked wall of bookshelves.

Exploring the Harms and Concerns of Study Drugs

Alcohol, Cannabis, & Substances, Mental Health & Mental Illness

Housemates working on homework

COVID-19: Creating a culture of compassion & accountability

Mental Health & Mental Illness, Physical Health, Relationships


COVID-19: Best Practices and Resources

Mental Health & Mental Illness, Physical Health

Caring for Constipation

Food & Nutrition, Physical Health


What is MacSecrets?

Life Events, Mental Health & Mental Illness

Understanding social distancing and the importance of social connection

Life Events, Mental Health & Mental Illness, Stress Management